Программa Форума
Программа мастер-классов – PDF Программа форума – PDF Программа МайнТек – PDF
- 2 апреляМастер-классы и практикумы
- 3 апреляВторой день форума
- 4 апреляТретий день форума
- Park Inn Hotel

- ERG – the leader in Metals & Mining in Kazakhstan
- Managing innovations in the Metals & Mining
- Interactive survey
- Research and engeneering center of ERG (NIITS ERG) – a dedicated centre for managing R & D and innovation.
- Questions and answers
Innovations in Metals & Mining

Head of R&D department,
Innovations in Metals & Mining

Head of Innovations Department,
ERG Research and Engineering Centre

Organiser: Haller Lomax
This master class is designed for representatives of exploration and mining companies, as well as government agencies.
During the master class, Haller Lomax lawyers will highlight key regulatory aspects that should be addressed in the exploration and mining projects.
• Preparation for obtaining a license for exploration / mining of solid minerals
• Disclosure of beneficiaries
• Regulatory requirements for operations planning and response
• Transition to mining, exclusive right
• Transition to the licensed mode of subsoil use
• Other
Practical aspects of regulation in the exploration and mining sector

Haller Lomax
Practical aspects of regulation in the exploration and mining sector

Senior Associate,
Haller Lomax (Холлер Ломакс)

During the master class, the organisers will present the first experience and practical recommendations for preparing reports in the framework of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Subsoil and Subsoil Use” that came into force.
Organisers: KAZRC Association and Professional Association of Independent Subsoil Experts (PONEN)
The current stage of preparing reports on the KAZRC Code. Geological, methodical, legal aspects.

Chairman of the Executive Committee,
Professional Society of Independent Experts of the Subsurface Resources (PONEN)
Review of resource estimation in mining

Manager, Resource Delineation,
KAZ Minerals Management
KAZRC standards for reporting on mineral resources and reserves

Head of KAZRC Standards Commission,

The master class will look how the new Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code provides for alignment of mine closure (mine liquidation) practices in Kazakhstan with good international industry practices. The master class aims to address questions that mines have about concepts in legislation and the practical application of the concepts.
Part 1
- New legal requirements
- The contents of closure (liquidation) plans
- Mine closure (liquidation) goals and criteria – how to identify realistic and measurable criteria
- Closure (liquidation) cost estimation
- Processes for updating closure (liquidation) plans and cost estimates
- Financial provision for closure (liquidation).
Organiser: SRK Consulting

Corporate Consultant (Environmental & Social Management),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
Mine liquidation requirements under Kazakhstan Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code.

Associate environmental consultant,
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
Closure (liquidation) cost estimation

Group Chairman and Corporate Consultant,
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.
Mine closure: Gaps Between Past Practices and Present Requirements

Senior consultant (environment),
SRK Consulting (Russia)

- The expectations of investors
- Mineral resource and ore reserve and financial reporting.
Organiser: SRK Consulting

Corporate Consultant (Environmental & Social Management),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
Mine liquidation requirements under Kazakhstan Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code.

Associate environmental consultant,
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
Mine closure: Gaps Between Past Practices and Present Requirements

Senior consultant (environment),
SRK Consulting (Russia)

Group Chairman and Corporate Consultant,
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.

- Все залы
- Сары Арка 1
- Сары Арка 2
- Сары Арка 3
- Сары Арка 4

09:30 - Welcome on behalf of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
09:30 - Video message

Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Kazakhstan,
House of Lords

Forecasts of global commodity and financial markets development. Roadmap for the improvement of legislation in subsoil use regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Key business risks and new opportunities. Mining Digitisation. Prospects for the growth of foreign investments in mining and greenfield exploration. New opportunities and financing tools in the mining industry.
09:45 - Welcome on behalf of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
10:00 - Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20

10:15 - Roadmap for improvement of the subsoil use regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Executive Director,
Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
10:30 - Trumpeting a New Era in Yilmaden's Operations: Smart mining

Yilmaden Holding
10:45 - Kazakhstan's position and share in global copper and zinc concentrates markets and focus on the main trends in the global markets relevant for Kazakh exporters.

CRU Group

Transition period for subsurface use contracts. Reporting by final beneficiaries of subsoil use. Implementation of the first-come, first-served principle. Changes in the obligations of the subsoil user. Changes in the composition and types of project documents, depending on the types of minerals. Measures to ensure company’s obligations relating to the exploitation of the deposit. Implementation of international system of calculation of reserves of mineral resources using the CRIRSCO system.

Director of the Subsoil Use Management Department,
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:30 - The main innovations in the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use".

Director of the Subsoil Use Management Department,
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:40 - The program of management of the state fund of mineral resources.

Committee of Geology and Subsoil use, Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:50 - National Data Bank of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Director of the "National Data Bank of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan" project,
National Geological Prospecting Company "Kazgeology"
12:00 - Provisions for the implementation of the Subsoil Code

Haller Lomax
12:10 - Transition period for subsoil use contracts.

Managing Partner,
Olympex Advisers
12:20 - Key Factors of Effective Transition to International Public Reporting Standards.

Executive director,
KAZRC Association

Chairman of the Executive Committee,
Professional Society of Independent Experts of the Subsurface Resources (PONEN)

Group Chairman and Corporate Consultant,
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.

Introduction of the new draft environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Updated requirements of the Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use of the Republic of Kazakhstan for post-mining reconciliation and changes in the approach to the assessment of obligations following mine closures. New mechanisms for encouraging subsoil users to introduce ‘green’ technologies. Safety culture development.

Corporate Consultant (Environmental & Social Management),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
14:00 - Application of the new environmental code in the mining and metallurgy sector

Director of the Department of Ecology and Industrial Safety,
Republican Association of Mining and Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
14:15 - Environmental regulation in OECD countries: key aspects for subsoil users in Kazakhstan

Environmental expert,
14:30 - Mine liquidation requirements under Kazakhstan Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code.

Associate environmental consultant,
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
14:45 - Mine Waste Management as a Path to Sustainable Project Development

Non-mining Project Manager,
Wardell Armstrong International
15:00 - Safety culture development

Manager of Environment, Health, Safety and Administration services department,
Philip Morris Kazakhstan

Key success elements of establishing new businesses and transformation of existing enterprises in Kazakhstan’s mining sector.
Why invest into Kazakhstan?

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Kazakh Invest
Choosing project exit strategies: a. IPO; b. Selling to a private equity fund; c. Selling to a strategic investor.

Managing partner,
Resource Capital Group

Yilmaden Holding

Managing Director,
Central Asia Partnerships

What has changed in the financial and investment market with the adoption of the Subsoil Use Code of Kazakhstan? Foreign investment in the mining sector of Kazakhstan: a retrospective, case studies, and the experience of investors. Assessment of the JSC “Kazatomprom” IPO and prospects of raising money in the equity markets for mining companies operating in Kazakhstan. New opportunities for financing junior geological exploration projects in Kazakhstan. Selecting exit strategy: initial public offering v. sale to private equity v. sale to strategic investors. Investment case. The experience of attracting a world-class investment fund to a private mining project in Kazakhstan.
16:00 - EBRD’s approach to due diligence in financing mining projects

Principal Banker,
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
16:15 - Accessing Global Capital Markets Through London.

Head of Europe, Primary Markets,
London Stock Exchange Group
16:30 - Attracting investment to junior mining companies via Astana International Exchange

Chief Legal Officer,
Astana International Exchange
16:45 - A practical approach to selecting an exit strategy

Managing Partner,
17:00 - Structuring of a mining company for efficient sale to a strategic investor.

Partner, Head of Natural Resources,
GRATA International
17:15 - Preparing an exploration or mining project for investment.

Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

Industry 4.0: the digital transformation of the mining industry. The role and place of Kazakhstan. Government commitment to create an environment for the integration of digital technologies into domestic production. The challenges for the digital transformation of the mining industry in Kazakhstan and beyond. How do mining companies use the tools of the digital revolution? Digital twins: is it hype or an absolute requirement for the future? Examples of the implementation of AI solutions in certain segments of the production cycle. Introduction of machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.
16:00 - Skills and People Development and Mining 4.0: The Role of HR in Capacity Building

Senior Mining Consultant,
People 1st International
16:15 - Transformations of IT architecture of the Holding

Director IT,
16:30 - Automating process planning and management at mining ventures

16:45 - The power of single geological environment

Regional Director, Russia and CIS,
17:00 - Digital solutions for business processes optimisation at mining enterprises

Research worker,
17:15 - AGR — a simple tool to work with a geological database

AGR Software

09:30 - Welcome on behalf of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
09:30 - Video message

Prime Minister's Trade Envoy to Kazakhstan,
House of Lords

Forecasts of global commodity and financial markets development. Roadmap for the improvement of legislation in subsoil use regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Key business risks and new opportunities. Mining Digitisation. Prospects for the growth of foreign investments in mining and greenfield exploration. New opportunities and financing tools in the mining industry.
09:45 - Welcome on behalf of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan

Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
10:00 - Top 10 business risks facing mining and metals in 2019-20

10:15 - Roadmap for improvement of the subsoil use regulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Executive Director,
Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
10:30 - Trumpeting a New Era in Yilmaden's Operations: Smart mining

Yilmaden Holding
10:45 - Kazakhstan's position and share in global copper and zinc concentrates markets and focus on the main trends in the global markets relevant for Kazakh exporters.

CRU Group

Transition period for subsurface use contracts. Reporting by final beneficiaries of subsoil use. Implementation of the first-come, first-served principle. Changes in the obligations of the subsoil user. Changes in the composition and types of project documents, depending on the types of minerals. Measures to ensure company’s obligations relating to the exploitation of the deposit. Implementation of international system of calculation of reserves of mineral resources using the CRIRSCO system.

Director of the Subsoil Use Management Department,
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:30 - The main innovations in the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Subsoil and Subsoil Use".

Director of the Subsoil Use Management Department,
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:40 - The program of management of the state fund of mineral resources.

Committee of Geology and Subsoil use, Ministry of Industry and Infrastructural Development of The Republic of Kazakhstan
11:50 - National Data Bank of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Director of the "National Data Bank of Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan" project,
National Geological Prospecting Company "Kazgeology"
12:00 - Provisions for the implementation of the Subsoil Code

Haller Lomax
12:10 - Transition period for subsoil use contracts.

Managing Partner,
Olympex Advisers
12:20 - Key Factors of Effective Transition to International Public Reporting Standards.

Executive director,
KAZRC Association

Chairman of the Executive Committee,
Professional Society of Independent Experts of the Subsurface Resources (PONEN)

Group Chairman and Corporate Consultant,
SRK Consulting (U.S.), Inc.

Key success elements of establishing new businesses and transformation of existing enterprises in Kazakhstan’s mining sector.
Why invest into Kazakhstan?

Deputy Chairman of the Board,
Kazakh Invest
Choosing project exit strategies: a. IPO; b. Selling to a private equity fund; c. Selling to a strategic investor.

Managing partner,
Resource Capital Group

Yilmaden Holding

Managing Director,
Central Asia Partnerships

What has changed in the financial and investment market with the adoption of the Subsoil Use Code of Kazakhstan? Foreign investment in the mining sector of Kazakhstan: a retrospective, case studies, and the experience of investors. Assessment of the JSC “Kazatomprom” IPO and prospects of raising money in the equity markets for mining companies operating in Kazakhstan. New opportunities for financing junior geological exploration projects in Kazakhstan. Selecting exit strategy: initial public offering v. sale to private equity v. sale to strategic investors. Investment case. The experience of attracting a world-class investment fund to a private mining project in Kazakhstan.
16:00 - EBRD’s approach to due diligence in financing mining projects

Principal Banker,
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
16:15 - Accessing Global Capital Markets Through London.

Head of Europe, Primary Markets,
London Stock Exchange Group
16:30 - Attracting investment to junior mining companies via Astana International Exchange

Chief Legal Officer,
Astana International Exchange
16:45 - A practical approach to selecting an exit strategy

Managing Partner,
17:00 - Structuring of a mining company for efficient sale to a strategic investor.

Partner, Head of Natural Resources,
GRATA International
17:15 - Preparing an exploration or mining project for investment.

Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)

Introduction of the new draft environmental code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Updated requirements of the Code on Subsoil and Subsoil Use of the Republic of Kazakhstan for post-mining reconciliation and changes in the approach to the assessment of obligations following mine closures. New mechanisms for encouraging subsoil users to introduce ‘green’ technologies. Safety culture development.

Corporate Consultant (Environmental & Social Management),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
14:00 - Application of the new environmental code in the mining and metallurgy sector

Director of the Department of Ecology and Industrial Safety,
Republican Association of Mining and Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises
14:15 - Environmental regulation in OECD countries: key aspects for subsoil users in Kazakhstan

Environmental expert,
14:30 - Mine liquidation requirements under Kazakhstan Subsoil and Subsoil Use Code.

Associate environmental consultant,
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
14:45 - Mine Waste Management as a Path to Sustainable Project Development

Non-mining Project Manager,
Wardell Armstrong International
15:00 - Safety culture development

Manager of Environment, Health, Safety and Administration services department,
Philip Morris Kazakhstan

Industry 4.0: the digital transformation of the mining industry. The role and place of Kazakhstan. Government commitment to create an environment for the integration of digital technologies into domestic production. The challenges for the digital transformation of the mining industry in Kazakhstan and beyond. How do mining companies use the tools of the digital revolution? Digital twins: is it hype or an absolute requirement for the future? Examples of the implementation of AI solutions in certain segments of the production cycle. Introduction of machine learning, artificial intelligence and blockchain technologies.
16:00 - Skills and People Development and Mining 4.0: The Role of HR in Capacity Building

Senior Mining Consultant,
People 1st International
16:15 - Transformations of IT architecture of the Holding

Director IT,
16:30 - Automating process planning and management at mining ventures

16:45 - The power of single geological environment

Regional Director, Russia and CIS,
17:00 - Digital solutions for business processes optimisation at mining enterprises

Research worker,
17:15 - AGR — a simple tool to work with a geological database

AGR Software

- Все залы
- Сары Арка 1
- Сары Арка 2
- Сары Арка 3
- Сары Арка 4
- МайнТек

Today, the information space is formed under the influence of many factors. Opinion about the company and its projects can be formed without the participation of the company itself – in the modern digital world it is not at all difficult to obtain information about the company. How should a company be and can participate in the development of its information space? Is it enough to be in contact with your partners or do you need to leave the “comfort zone”? Why is not enough simply providing the market with information about yourself and why industrial companies are engaged in the formation of a corporate brand. Who and how should be engaged in the creation of a corporate brand? How do strong brands help companies and organisations win internationally? How to make company events engaging not only for those who directly participate in these events, but also for millions of people in different countries around the world. Is it achievable? How to make an information occasion from a corporate event that would help the company to take its rightful place on the global information map? These and many other questions will be answered during the workshop “How companies talk?”.

MineTech Business 2019
The competition will provide a platform for technological companies and start-ups offering innovative solutions for Kazakhstan’s mining and exploration industries.
Venue: «Sary Arka 3», Radisson Astana Hotel
09:30 - The method of Labelled Neutrons for quality management of mineral raw materials – a novelty for the mining industry

Director for production development,
09:45 - Is there a way to produce grinding media in a sustainable and competitive way?

Firma Codogni
10:00 - Laser particle size analyser - an innovative solution for dispersion analysis in enrichment and reprocessing.

Department of Chemistry and technology of rare and dispersed elements and nanoscale composite materials. K. A. Bolshakov, MIREA - Russian Technological University
10:15 - Execution of a project for production and promotion Russian-manufactured directed drilling constructions.

General Director,
Drilling Technologies Factory
10:30 - Newest technology for high efficiency of in-pit mining and conveying

Sales Manager,
MMD Mining Machinery Development

Trends. Resources. Technology. Regulation. Business cases.

Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
09:30 - Eurasia is a single geological system

General director, Vice-president,
National Academy of Mining Sciences
09:45 - Modern practice of collecting, storing, processing and providing state-owned geological information.

General Director,
ТОО «РЦГИ »Казгеоинформ»
10:00 - Challenge of doing exploration in far away geographies: Yilmaden Joint Ventures with Kazgeology

Mineral Exploration and Production Director,
Yilmaden Holding
10:15 - Review of resource estimation in mining

Manager, Resource Delineation,
KAZ Minerals Management
10:30 - Prospects for Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan cooperation in the mining and exploration industries

Mining engineer,
10:45 - Artisan mining in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Board member,
Kyrgyz Mining Association

MineTech University 2019
The competition will provide a platform for the presentation of innovative solutions and technologies projects carried out by mining and polytechnic universities.
Venue: «Sary Arka 3», Radisson Astana Hotel
11:00 – 11:20
Estimation of mineral resources by probabilistic description of geological boundaries.
Nursultan Ilyas, Dauletkhan Orynbassarov, Nazarbayev University
11:20 – 11:40
Integrated web tool for computer-aided design of open sites.
Yerkezhan Madenova, Nazarbayev University
11:40 – 12:00
Innovative solutions in the development of coal seams.
Galina Bibikova, Vladimir Volynkin, Hristina Bisagalieva, Anastasiya Dostovalova, Kuzbass State Technical University
12:00 – 12:20
Method of uranium extraction with a help of iron nanoparticles.
Azhar Adekhan, Anvar Abdrakhmanov, Zhadyra Karim, KGKP “Exploration College”
12:20 – 12:40
Development of the scheme of production of mineral basalt wool.
Zhassulan Ashimov, Kazakh-British Technical University
12:40 – 13:00
White oil.
Nurlan Nurabayev, Salamat Jailganov, Kazakh-British Technical University
13:00 – 13:15 Case challenge presentation, SRK Consulting
13:15 – 14:00 Lunch
16:00 – 17:00 Case studies presentations by University teams
17:45 – 18:00 MineTech awards presentation (Sary Arka 1)

Technical factors in the optimisation of mining production. Identifying priority KPI in the selection of production economic optimisation models. What are the priorities? Content, tonnage or extraction? How should we teach geologists, miners and enrichers to think about aspects of financial and economic feasibility? Cut-off grade as a key indicator of the economics of mining production. The need to increase flexibility in state regulation to provide a legal basis for the optimisation in the mining economy.
Sponsors: DMT and IMC Montan
11:30 - Intelligent Mining

11:45 - Optimization of key parameters in mining project economics

Head of mining projects,
IMC Montan
12:00 - Automated control system for mining works

12:15 - Improving Operational Performance by Intelligent Data Use and Haul Road Explorer Software

Senior Mining Engineer,
SRK Consulting
12:30 - The use of economic indicators in the methodology of medium-term mining planning in the mining and geological information system Micromine

Mining engineer,
ТОО «МАЙКРОМАЙН Центральная Азия»
12:45 - Digitisation of Mining and Processing.

Key accounts and sales director,
FLSmidth Kazakhstan

Traditional and innovative geophysical, mineralogical and geochemical prospecting methods. The main trends in modern exploration techniques. New level of geological data management. Organisation of electric prospecting works and interpretation of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational sounding data. Fundamentals of automated field geometrisation. Practical examples of discoveries of hidden mineralisation and potential ore fields using traditional and digital methods.
14:00 - DATA - What's it all about?

Technical Director,
Wardell Armstrong International
14:15 - Experience of using traditional and new technologies of geophysics in prospecting and exploration of ore deposits in Kazakhstan

First Deputy of Director General,
14:30 - Systematization and analysis of stock geological materials and remote sensing data for geological exploration

Managing Director,
Terra Exploration
14:45 - OreVision™ Induced Polarization in Kazakhstan – An Update and Case Study

Vice-President, Business Development,
Abitibi Geophysics
15:00 - Hunting for Hidden Giants: Could a Mineral Systems Approach help to discover the next generation of world-class deposits in Central Asia?

Exploration Geologist,
SRK Exploration Services
15:15 - Ultrawide MT system + Real Time (RT) monitoring

Sr. Geophysicist,
Phoenix Geophysics
15:30 - The results of polymetal exploration in the North Kazakhstan region with using EMS-IP tecnology

General Director,

From equipment supply to integrated solutions. Consolidation of mining production processes. Control systems and systems integration mining industry. The optimisation of enrichment and ore sorting processes. Improving the efficiency of ore blending and ore separation processes. Ore control.
14:00 - Predictive geotechnical model of the mine field of "10 years of Kazakhstan Independence"

Team leader strata control,
14:15 - GIS GEOMIX - a comprehensive technology information support cycle of mining operations.

Deputy CEO of Research and Development, Head of the Laboratory of Mining Geology,
14:30 - Automated analytical control at mining and metallurgical enterprises

General Director,
Thermo Techno Engineering LLC
14:45 - Elemental analysis of ores in the field conditions using the tagged neutron method

Scientific Director,
ООО «Диамант»
15:00 - Optimising Ore Recovery by Accounting for Blast Movement at Vasilkovsky Mine, Altyntau Kokshetau

Senior consultant,
Blast Movement Technologies (BMT)
15:15 - Integrated Solutions for the Mining Industry: Mine Fans and Related Digital Technologies

Exhaust Fans Sales Engineer,
ООО «Хауден»
15:30 - 3D modelling and inversion of airborne magnetic and legacy gravity data with usage of non-trivial reference models. Cluster analysis and 3D pseudo-lithological interpretation for increased accuracy of drilling program.

Senior geophysicist,
Promiseland Exploration

Legislative changes for the development of Industry 4.0 in Kazakhstan. The National Plan for Digital Transformation in the Kazakhstani mining industry. The experience of creating technology parks and innovative hubs. The future of the mining labour market in Kazakhstan. Next Generation Workforce tools. Future skills in the mining sector: how to achieve “fitness for purpose”. Training programs for future specialists with the participation of mining companies. Social projects in the mining industry.
16:15 - Economic Inclusion through improved and standardised high-quality training for youth in the mining sector in Kazakhstan

International Manager,
People 1st International
16:30 - Dual form of training - as Interaction.

Head of the department,
Kuzbass state technical University
16:45 - Technological foresight of competences "The Future of Professions in MMC"

Head of the Education Projects,
BTS Digital
17:00 - Holding WorldSkills industry championships among mining and metallurgical enterprises.

Deputy Executive Director,
The Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises

Chairman of the Management Board,
ТОО «Научно-исследовательский инжиниринговый центр ERG»

Senior Mining Consultant,
People 1st International

Kazakhmys Technological College

Special disciplines lecturer,
КГКП «Геологоразведочный колледж» УО ВКО А

Associate Professor,
Nazarbayev University

Professor, Ph. D.,
Kazakh-British Technical University

Trends. Resources. Technology. Regulation. Business cases.

Director and Corporate Consultant (Mining Engineering),
SRK Consulting (Kazakhstan)
09:30 - Eurasia is a single geological system

General director, Vice-president,
National Academy of Mining Sciences
09:45 - Modern practice of collecting, storing, processing and providing state-owned geological information.

General Director,
ТОО «РЦГИ »Казгеоинформ»
10:00 - Challenge of doing exploration in far away geographies: Yilmaden Joint Ventures with Kazgeology

Mineral Exploration and Production Director,
Yilmaden Holding
10:15 - Review of resource estimation in mining

Manager, Resource Delineation,
KAZ Minerals Management
10:30 - Prospects for Kyrgyzstan - Kazakhstan cooperation in the mining and exploration industries

Mining engineer,
10:45 - Artisan mining in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Board member,
Kyrgyz Mining Association

Technical factors in the optimisation of mining production. Identifying priority KPI in the selection of production economic optimisation models. What are the priorities? Content, tonnage or extraction? How should we teach geologists, miners and enrichers to think about aspects of financial and economic feasibility? Cut-off grade as a key indicator of the economics of mining production. The need to increase flexibility in state regulation to provide a legal basis for the optimisation in the mining economy.
Sponsors: DMT and IMC Montan
11:30 - Intelligent Mining

11:45 - Optimization of key parameters in mining project economics

Head of mining projects,
IMC Montan
12:00 - Automated control system for mining works

12:15 - Improving Operational Performance by Intelligent Data Use and Haul Road Explorer Software

Senior Mining Engineer,
SRK Consulting
12:30 - The use of economic indicators in the methodology of medium-term mining planning in the mining and geological information system Micromine

Mining engineer,
ТОО «МАЙКРОМАЙН Центральная Азия»
12:45 - Digitisation of Mining and Processing.

Key accounts and sales director,
FLSmidth Kazakhstan

Traditional and innovative geophysical, mineralogical and geochemical prospecting methods. The main trends in modern exploration techniques. New level of geological data management. Organisation of electric prospecting works and interpretation of magnetotelluric and magnetovariational sounding data. Fundamentals of automated field geometrisation. Practical examples of discoveries of hidden mineralisation and potential ore fields using traditional and digital methods.
14:00 - DATA - What's it all about?

Technical Director,
Wardell Armstrong International
14:15 - Experience of using traditional and new technologies of geophysics in prospecting and exploration of ore deposits in Kazakhstan

First Deputy of Director General,
14:30 - Systematization and analysis of stock geological materials and remote sensing data for geological exploration

Managing Director,
Terra Exploration
14:45 - OreVision™ Induced Polarization in Kazakhstan – An Update and Case Study

Vice-President, Business Development,
Abitibi Geophysics
15:00 - Hunting for Hidden Giants: Could a Mineral Systems Approach help to discover the next generation of world-class deposits in Central Asia?

Exploration Geologist,
SRK Exploration Services
15:15 - Ultrawide MT system + Real Time (RT) monitoring

Sr. Geophysicist,
Phoenix Geophysics
15:30 - The results of polymetal exploration in the North Kazakhstan region with using EMS-IP tecnology

General Director,

Legislative changes for the development of Industry 4.0 in Kazakhstan. The National Plan for Digital Transformation in the Kazakhstani mining industry. The experience of creating technology parks and innovative hubs. The future of the mining labour market in Kazakhstan. Next Generation Workforce tools. Future skills in the mining sector: how to achieve “fitness for purpose”. Training programs for future specialists with the participation of mining companies. Social projects in the mining industry.
16:15 - Economic Inclusion through improved and standardised high-quality training for youth in the mining sector in Kazakhstan

International Manager,
People 1st International
16:30 - Dual form of training - as Interaction.

Head of the department,
Kuzbass state technical University
16:45 - Technological foresight of competences "The Future of Professions in MMC"

Head of the Education Projects,
BTS Digital
17:00 - Holding WorldSkills industry championships among mining and metallurgical enterprises.

Deputy Executive Director,
The Republican Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises

Chairman of the Management Board,
ТОО «Научно-исследовательский инжиниринговый центр ERG»

Senior Mining Consultant,
People 1st International

Kazakhmys Technological College

Special disciplines lecturer,
КГКП «Геологоразведочный колледж» УО ВКО А

Associate Professor,
Nazarbayev University

Professor, Ph. D.,
Kazakh-British Technical University

Today, the information space is formed under the influence of many factors. Opinion about the company and its projects can be formed without the participation of the company itself – in the modern digital world it is not at all difficult to obtain information about the company. How should a company be and can participate in the development of its information space? Is it enough to be in contact with your partners or do you need to leave the “comfort zone”? Why is not enough simply providing the market with information about yourself and why industrial companies are engaged in the formation of a corporate brand. Who and how should be engaged in the creation of a corporate brand? How do strong brands help companies and organisations win internationally? How to make company events engaging not only for those who directly participate in these events, but also for millions of people in different countries around the world. Is it achievable? How to make an information occasion from a corporate event that would help the company to take its rightful place on the global information map? These and many other questions will be answered during the workshop “How companies talk?”.

From equipment supply to integrated solutions. Consolidation of mining production processes. Control systems and systems integration mining industry. The optimisation of enrichment and ore sorting processes. Improving the efficiency of ore blending and ore separation processes. Ore control.
14:00 - Predictive geotechnical model of the mine field of "10 years of Kazakhstan Independence"

Team leader strata control,
14:15 - GIS GEOMIX - a comprehensive technology information support cycle of mining operations.

Deputy CEO of Research and Development, Head of the Laboratory of Mining Geology,
14:30 - Automated analytical control at mining and metallurgical enterprises

General Director,
Thermo Techno Engineering LLC
14:45 - Elemental analysis of ores in the field conditions using the tagged neutron method

Scientific Director,
ООО «Диамант»
15:00 - Optimising Ore Recovery by Accounting for Blast Movement at Vasilkovsky Mine, Altyntau Kokshetau

Senior consultant,
Blast Movement Technologies (BMT)
15:15 - Integrated Solutions for the Mining Industry: Mine Fans and Related Digital Technologies

Exhaust Fans Sales Engineer,
ООО «Хауден»
15:30 - 3D modelling and inversion of airborne magnetic and legacy gravity data with usage of non-trivial reference models. Cluster analysis and 3D pseudo-lithological interpretation for increased accuracy of drilling program.

Senior geophysicist,
Promiseland Exploration

MineTech Business 2019
The competition will provide a platform for technological companies and start-ups offering innovative solutions for Kazakhstan’s mining and exploration industries.
Venue: «Sary Arka 3», Radisson Astana Hotel
09:30 - The method of Labelled Neutrons for quality management of mineral raw materials – a novelty for the mining industry

Director for production development,
09:45 - Is there a way to produce grinding media in a sustainable and competitive way?

Firma Codogni
10:00 - Laser particle size analyser - an innovative solution for dispersion analysis in enrichment and reprocessing.

Department of Chemistry and technology of rare and dispersed elements and nanoscale composite materials. K. A. Bolshakov, MIREA - Russian Technological University
10:15 - Execution of a project for production and promotion Russian-manufactured directed drilling constructions.

General Director,
Drilling Technologies Factory
10:30 - Newest technology for high efficiency of in-pit mining and conveying

Sales Manager,
MMD Mining Machinery Development

MineTech University 2019
The competition will provide a platform for the presentation of innovative solutions and technologies projects carried out by mining and polytechnic universities.
Venue: «Sary Arka 3», Radisson Astana Hotel
11:00 – 11:20
Estimation of mineral resources by probabilistic description of geological boundaries.
Nursultan Ilyas, Dauletkhan Orynbassarov, Nazarbayev University
11:20 – 11:40
Integrated web tool for computer-aided design of open sites.
Yerkezhan Madenova, Nazarbayev University
11:40 – 12:00
Innovative solutions in the development of coal seams.
Galina Bibikova, Vladimir Volynkin, Hristina Bisagalieva, Anastasiya Dostovalova, Kuzbass State Technical University
12:00 – 12:20
Method of uranium extraction with a help of iron nanoparticles.
Azhar Adekhan, Anvar Abdrakhmanov, Zhadyra Karim, KGKP “Exploration College”
12:20 – 12:40
Development of the scheme of production of mineral basalt wool.
Zhassulan Ashimov, Kazakh-British Technical University
12:40 – 13:00
White oil.
Nurlan Nurabayev, Salamat Jailganov, Kazakh-British Technical University
13:00 – 13:15 Case challenge presentation, SRK Consulting
13:15 – 14:00 Lunch
16:00 – 17:00 Case studies presentations by University teams
17:45 – 18:00 MineTech awards presentation (Sary Arka 1)